While you wait for your download to complete, we’d like to encourage you to consider throwing a buck or two towards Your Siblings, a non-profit organization backed by Bronies for Good that carries out various charity efforts around the globe, that SoGreatandPowerful has in turn supported in the past through the submission of songs for their charity compilation albums.
Direct donation link: http://yoursiblings.org/projects/another-hope-guest-house
Your Siblings main website: http://yoursiblings.org/
Bronies for Good main website: http://broniesforgood.org/
320kbps mp3 Download (rar)
320kbps mp3 Download (zip)
Lossless (FLAC) (four parts)
(AbranteDr's song isn't available in a lossless format, but will be available later. The lossless version of the album includes the 320kbps mp3 version of his song in the meantime.)Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Lossless (FLAC) Torrent
Codl took the liberty of creating a torrent for the FLAC version Sori52.torrentthanks so much for getting the ball rolling on this!! Several of us are seeding it now.